House Design and Technology Exhibition will show on 2024

2024-11-26 09:00 1次
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House Design and Technology Exhibition2024

International Green Architecture andConstruction Materials (Shanghai) Expo 2024


Date:August 7-9,2024

Address:Shanghai World Expo Exhibition and Convention Center

Area: 25,000square meters


China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, Cooperative& Integrated Building Committee

DLG Exhibitions & Events Cooperation Limited ShanghaiModern Intentional Exhibition Co., Ltd.


DLG Exhibitions & Events Cooperation Limited ShanghaiGiant Exhibition Co., Ltd.



Diverse and inclusive urban and rural integrated development makesthe economy more resilient and dynamic.

The "14th Five-Year Plan" and the Outline of the 2035 Vision Goalsclearly put forward the "in-depth promotion of the people-centerednew urbanization strategy." Different urban areas are combiningtheir unique geographical features and humanistic characteristicsto find a balance between "production, life and ecology", andexplore the new driving force of sustainable development between"low-carbon livable building technology" and "humanistic lifeaesthetics", so as to build a practical basic platform for urbanrenewal and rural revitalization.

People's housing needs are "accelerating iteration". With thelanding of a new round of investment in Suji tourism area, culturaltourism town, health community and other projects, relying oncultural tourism, health, leisure, sports, elderly care and otherfocus points, the demand for intelligent, humanized and livingspace has increased in an all-round way. Affordable, healthy, safe,comfortable and beautiful living concepts have a positive impact onpeople's lifestyle changes, but also for the related indoor andoutdoor design, landscape environment, building materials, homefurnishing, supporting facilities and other industries to provide anew path for development, enabling the industry to develop in high.



As an important part of ESBuild, Shanghai House Design andTechnology Exhibition  focuses on the multi-level andmulti-angle needs of house users such as house andelderly care, house and resort hotels/homestays,house and new rural construction, and private owners. Theexhibition presets 15 subdivision application scenarios,focusing on the five core dimensions of "health, wisdom, lowcarbon, safety and cost performance", showing the developmenttrend of house such as intelligent house, environmentalprotection and sustainable house , and personalizedcustomization.

As a professional house exhibition platform, the exhibitionwill start from the whole industry chain of house design,construction, use and maintenance, and invite domestic and foreignoutstanding enterprises, user groups, institutions and competentauthorities to participate. By combining the mode ofmulti-level professional forum activities, the exhibition willcreate a grand event of science and technology, trade, culture andgreen house, which will help the international cooperation anddevelopment platform of the construction industry and add color tothe realization of a better life.

At the same time, the exhibition held a number of special forumsand project exchanges to promote the cross-border integration anddevelopment of the building materials industry with leisuretourism, health and other industries, and to meet the professionalneeds of the entire industrial ecosystem such as industrialinvestment, planning and design, and operation services.



1. House design (house architectural design, interiorenvironment design, interior soft decoration design, outdoorenvironment design, etc.)

2. House construction (steel structure, wooden structure,modular building, etc.)

3. Enclosure structure (exterior wall decoration system, roofsystem, door and window system, shading system, etc.)

4. Garden landscape (outdoor ground paving materials, outdoorleisure furniture, fences, water facilities and e, landscape stone,sculpture, landscape lighting, garden greening and maintenance,etc.)

5. Living room space ( (furniture、wall decoration, floor paving,indoor soft decoration, etc.)

6. Vertical space (house elevator, stairs, etc.)

7. Audio and video entertainment (private theaters, entertainmentfacilities, high-end fitness e, etc.)

8. Security system (surveillance camera, alarm, access controlsystem, etc.)

9. Underground space (parking system, floor materials, lightingsystem, wine cellar and cold storage system, dehumidification e,waterproof system, etc.)

10. house pool (indoor and outdoor private pool, SPA,etc.)

11. Water supply and drainage (pump valve, water recovery, waterpurification system, sewage treatment facilities, etc.)

12. Comfort system (heating, fresh air system, fireplace, airconditioning, air purification, etc.)

13. New energy (solar thermal,  geothermal,etc.)

14.Smart home (smart appliances, smart lights, smart curtains,smart door locks, etc.)

15.  Soft decoration ( jewelry, lighting, fabric, flower andgreen plants, etc.)




1) "Homestay + green ecology, enabling the future of leisurevacation"

Focusing on ecological architecture and low-carbon tourism as thecore, the forum introduced the development trend and prospect ofthe construction and tourism industry, promoted the sustainabledevelopment of ecological architecture and low-carbon tourism,promoted the cultural tourism industry to enable urban renewal andhigh- development of homestaying, promoted the concept ofenvironmental protection, and strengthened international exchangesand cooperation.

2) New Rural Construction Design Forum:

With the continuous promotion of rural revitalization, the reformof rural homestead policy, and the continuous rise of beautifulrural construction, modern rural construction has presented aprosperous scene. From the design point of view, the forum willshow that the construction of beautiful homes in new rural areaswill bring safety, wisdom and modern experience, and promote theintegration of urban and rural development.

3) Villa pension, casting a better life

Under the strategic background of "Healthy China" and "Aging China"promoted by the Chinese government, the state's policy support forthe elderly care service industry has gradually strengthened, andthe elderly care service form of villa nursing homes will alsoreceive more policy support and encouragement. The forum introduceshot topics such as investment, design, products, and operation withthe construction and intelligent management of elderly care villasas the starting point, and discusses the standards of elderly carecommunities to help the development of elderly care villas.

4) Good house promotion (Villa)

Arounding the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Developmentlaunched the concept of "good house", we will hold a number ofactivities from a fresh case to take you to understand--whatis a good house, how to build a good house, how to evaluate a goodhouse, so that a good house into life, improve the of life.


1) The Fifth Summit of Villa Garden Designers

2) International home decoration art design Summit Forum

3) Wisdom enjoy life, wisdom see the future - smart homedesign application forum

4) The new trend of villa design from the perspective of"home"

5) The sun shines into life, the villa low-carbon constructionsummit

6) When the villa security encountered artificialintelligence

7) Villa green energy saving and comfort system technologyapplication forum

... to be continued

3. The 4th reardcreative design competition of cultural tourism and ruralrevitalization  

Based on the realistic contemplation of the modern China's culturaltourism, themed entertainment, and rural revitalizationdevelopment, it promotes the updating and iterative development ofrelated products in cultural tourism and rural projects . It willalso improve green and low-carbon new products, new technologies,and design innovation. Leading the future of the industry withcultural and creative design, it will enhance the connotation ofarchitecture.


1.Through the website, wechat, Baidu search, Tiktok, Kuaishou,small red book and other media channels superimposed widely, timelytransmission of exhibition information, the first time tocommunicate the audience.

2.Through the best cooperation media (building materials, realestate professional websites, magazines and newspapers) to catchthe industry, the exhibition push full coverage.

3.Contact and communication around the real estate association,decoration association, tourism association, through a variety offorms of cooperation to organize group visits, work together tobuild a villa exhibition trade platform!

4.Through TV, newspapers, building materials store advertising andother ways for agents, dealers, real estate and construction unitsand other industry insiders push exhibition information.

5.Increase the distribution of relevant overseas exhibitionmaterials, and expand overseas publicity of the exhibition.

6.Invite foreign historical consulates, trade promotion agencies,business agencies, and relevant foreign industry associations toattract international buyers.

7.Multi-form and multi-session conference activities and summitforums attract the attention, participation and interaction of theindustry, focus on the current market hot spots, improve thedocking of projects, and create a high-end technical exchangeplatform.

8.Hundreds of thousands of huge professional audience database,through the network call center, point-to-point invitation.



The last exhibition attracted 359 building materialsenterprises from home and abroad. During thethree-day’s exhibition, a total of 20280 visitorswere attracted. Dual carbon photovoltaic forum, digital forum andother theme forums, house design forum, corporate new productlaunch and other multi-level activities. Invited all over thecountry housing system government departments, 35 industryassociations to visit the exhibition. The organizer carries outservice work in product display, buyer invitation, technicalexchange, policy interpretation, project docking and other channelsfor the conference. At the same time, it also provides strategicplanning consultation and potential business opportunities forgovernments and enterprises across the Yangtze River Delta. Theconference attracted buyers such as real estate developers, designinstitutes, channel providers and construction units to communicatein site.


Cost ofParticipation

Standard booth: USD 2600(9㎡)  Raw space:USD 260/㎡



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